We work with partners to create a healthier North Carolina where healthy eating and active living is the norm. We work to connect communities with proven programs, tools and resources, including:
Our Physical Activity and Nutrition (PAN) Connections Initiative supports state and local efforts to address physical activity and nutrition, specifically focusing on the following strategies:
- Food Service Guidelines
- Interventions Supportive of Breastfeeding
- Activity-Friendly Routes to Connect Everyday Destinations
- Early Care and Education Nutrition and Physical Activity Standards
Food Service
CCCPH supports nutrition by implementing food service guidelines in community settings to promote and increase consumption of healthier foods and beverages.
- CDC Food Service Guidelines
- Food Service Guidelines for Federal Facilities
- Strategies for Food Service and Nutrition Guidelines
- Healthy Eating Research Nutrition Guidelines for the Charitable Food System
- Food Service Guidelines Implementation Toolkit
- Supporting Wellness at Pantries (SWAP)
- Healthier Food Donation Guidelines for Retailers and Distributors
- Consider Cultural Food Preferences
- NC Online Food Service Guidelines Assessment Tool — Preview
- NC 10% Campaign
- Additional Resources
CCCPH supports nutrition by promoting breastfeeding support in clinical settings, worksites, childcare settings and communities.
Breastfeeding Peer Counselors in Outpatient Clinics
Activity-Friendly Routes
CCCPH supports physical activity by partnering with community organizations and local governments to promote improvements in community design that connect activity-friendly routes with everyday destinations to increase access to places for physical activity for people of all ages and abilities.
- Active People Healthy Nation
- Active Routes to School
- The Community Guide Physical Activity: Built Environment Approaches Combining Transportation System Interventions with Land Use and Environmental Design
- Community Design Resources
- Connecting Routes + Destinations
- Fact Sheet: Supporting Health Equity Through the Built Environment
- Implementation Resource Guide
- Move More Walk Now
- National Center on Healthy, Physical Activity and Disability- Resources
- North Carolina Guide to Incorporating Health Considerations into Comprehensive Plans
- Plan4Health NC: Planning for a Healthier North Carolina
- Shared Use by North Carolina Faith-based Organizations
- Shared Use of School Property in North Carolina: The Role of Unorganized Recreation
- Step It Up! The Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Promote Walking and Walkable Communities
Early Care and Education
CCCPH supports physical activity and nutrition by working with early care and education systems to implement and integrate physical activity and nutrition standards into practice.
- ACEs Too High
- Breastfeeding-Friendly Designation
- Caring for Children: Preventing Childhood Obesity in Early Care and Education Programs
- Center for Environmental Farming Systems
- Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University
- Child and Adult Care Food Program: Food to CACFP
- Child and Adult Care Food Program: CACFP Reimbursement Rates
- Child and Adult Care Food Program Training Tools
- Color Me Healthy
- Division of Child Development and Early Education
- First 2000 Days
- Healthy Kids, Healthy Future
- Integrating Healthy Opportunities for Play and Healthy Eating (I-HOPE)
- NC Child Care Health and Safety Resource Center
- Shape NC
- The Center for Training and Research Translation Guide
Farm To ECE
A success story of Farm To ECE implementation at the Kiddie Academy of Wilmington, NC.